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NDS Customised Employment Project

This report reviews the issues surrounding Customised Employment against a specific scope of work described in the objectives and deliverables and presents recommendations.

Disability Inclusion and Access Plan

This plan represents NDS's ongoing commitment to fostering a truly inclusive and accessible environment for people with disability.

WA Disability Services Sector Industry Plan

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NDS commissioned ACIL Allen Consulting to research and establish a knowledge base on the contribution and potential of the WA disability sector under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

In developing the plan, there was extensive engagement within the disability sector and analysis of new and existing data and information.

The WA Industry Plan provides a snapshot of the key findings, and analysis of service capability, strategies for transition and a plan for implementation.

The Industry Plan will form the centrepiece for the effective implementation of the NDIS in WA, highlighting priorities and outlining a range of measures that require strong investment by the State Government.

It includes three key strategic themes, seven strategies and 24 priority actions, a sector profile and analysis of the current strengths, weaknesses and opportunities within the sector. 

Key benefit points

As well as delivering new opportunities for people with disability, the WA Industry Plan identifies that the NDIS will provide a significant opportunity for WA, with the potential to trigger large-scale economic growth and job creation in the State with the total economic contribution of the disability sector in WA increasing from $1.4 billion to $2.7 billion in 2020.

It is estimated that the number of jobs generated by the NDIS in WA will double over the next three years, rising from 10,507 this year to 20,144 direct and indirect full-time jobs by 2020. These projected outcomes strongly align with the McGowan Government’s commitment to jobs growth and to grow and diversify the State’s economy.

The WA Industry Plan provides a clear, solid framework for a coordinated approach to NDIS transition and highlights the importance of a close working partnership between the State Government and the disability service sector to improve the lives of people with disability.

Who is this for?

WA Disability services sector, NDS Members, Government and people with disability

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Julie Waylen, NDS WA State Manager, on 08 9208 9805, submit enquiry/feedback