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CEO update: Greater certainty needed for sector in financial crisis

Ahead of the federal budget, providers seek financial security for the disability sector.
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PACE refinements on the way to reduce issues for providers

As the NDIA bring in system improvements and sector consultations, NDS publishes a deep dive into PACE and its issues, with troubleshooting advice.

Vale Michael Sumner

A single candle alight against a black background


NDS is saddened by the passing of Michael Sumner, a fierce advocate for quality service provision in the disability sector and a past President of NDS from 1997 to 2000. At that time the organisation was known as ACROD.

Michael was an industry leader, who worked hard and effectively on behalf of ACROD's members. He helped guide ACROD during a period of significant external and internal change.

Michael was a member of ACROD's Board from 1993 until 2001. During these years, ACROD benefited enormously from Michael's generosity of time and effort on behalf of members, his political astuteness and his leadership skills.

His term as President saw ACROD develop new governance policies, which represented an important step forward in the maturing of ACROD as a modern, professional and effective peak body.

As a former President of ADEPT (Association for Disability Employment and Training) in NSW, Michael was pivotal in initiating the successful merger of ACROD with ADEPT.

He chaired ACROD's National Committee of Employment and Training during a period of significant policy change for disability employment services. His commitment to disability employment assistance recognised that progress depended on creating a robust service sector.

For 11 years, Michael was also a very successful and popular Chief Executive of Disability Services Australia (then known as Amaroo Industries) where he oversaw significant growth in supported employment services and also provided open employment options for participants well before it was common practice.

Michael was elected as an NDS Life Member in 2003.

NDS passes on our condolences to Michael’s family and recognises his important role in transforming NDS in a difficult time and improving service provision for people with disability.

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