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CEO update
CEO update

CEO update: Greater certainty needed for sector in financial crisis

Ahead of the federal budget, providers seek financial security for the disability sector.
News update
News update

PACE refinements on the way to reduce issues for providers

As the NDIA bring in system improvements and sector consultations, NDS publishes a deep dive into PACE and its issues, with troubleshooting advice.

RC turns to employment termination, crisis response and market mechanisms

Reads: Royal Commission Hearing Summary


The Sunnyfield CEO returned for a third day of questioning. There was a forensic examination of information provided to the Board, including asking the witness’s interpretation of minutes and her memory of Board meeting proceedings. Counsel asked about the depth of information the witness provided the Board about the allegations of violence and abuse, and the findings of the independent investigator.

There was lengthy consideration of the termination of the two staff and the reasons given in their termination notices. The Commission suggested explicitly listing violence and abuse would discourage other providers from considering their employment. In response, the witness noted the complexity of industrial relations obligations in these circumstances.

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