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CEO update: Greater certainty needed for sector in financial crisis

Ahead of the federal budget, providers seek financial security for the disability sector.
News update
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PACE refinements on the way to reduce issues for providers

As the NDIA bring in system improvements and sector consultations, NDS publishes a deep dive into PACE and its issues, with troubleshooting advice.

RC hears oral submissions on SA disability services hearing

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Counsel Assisting gave oral submissions during a one-day hearing concluding Public Hearing 14, which considered two case studies in SA Government-run accommodation. Counsel's written submissions suggest Commissioners make eight adverse findings against the SA Department of Human Services (DHS) and five recommendations. No witnesses were present.

Key hearing themes highlighted in Counsel's submissions include:

Two case studies were considered during the hearing regarding two residents of Department-run group homes. ‘Mitchell’ received a threatening letter ostensibly from a support worker; Daniel had unexplained bruising and evidence of poor grooming and hygiene.

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