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NDS Submission: Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review: Current and emerging issues, challenges, and opportunities for the Victorian disability sector

NDS Submission: Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review: Current and emerging issues, challenges, and opportunities for the Victorian disability sector

2024 - 2025 NDS Victoria Budget Submission

2024 - 2025 NDS Victoria Budget Submission

NDS Safety and Quality use of Medication Sector Round Table Report

NDS Safety and Quality use of Medication Sector Round Table Report

Economic Benefit PDF


<p>Today National Disability Services and Every Australian Counts have released a paper showing the potential scale of the economic benefits the NDIS will bring to NSW. New economic modelling forecasts the impact the NDIS will have on NSW Gross State Product when fully implemented and details the potential for increased labour force participation of people with disability and their carers.</p><p>In NSW the NDIS will:</p><ul><li>Support between 7,800 and 12,400 people with disability to find work</li><li>Support approximately 10,700 carers to return to the workforce</li><li>Create an employment boom in NSW with 37,400-46,400 jobs created as a consequence</li><li>Create approximately 25,000 jobs in the NSW disability service sector</li><li>Add up to $7.3B annually to NSW's Gross State Product</li></ul><p>Read the article on the report from today's Sydney Morning Herald -&nbsp;<a href="">NDIS will pay for itself: new analysis forecasts huge jobs growth</a></p><p>The report uses ABS data on numbers of people with disability who would like to work but because of various restrictions have been unable to. With the NDIS, this is changed as more support becomes available to more people with disability. The report also uses data of carers who desire to return to the workforce but cannot now because of their caring responsibility. The modelling is based on an ABS survey of over 75,000 people with disability and their carers. At about one 300th of the Australian population, this makes it the largest sample survey conducted by the ABS.</p><p>Manager of State Operations for National Disability Services, Tony Pooley welcomed the new report: "There are people with disability across Australia eager to work. There are carers who cannot wait for the chance to get back into the workforce. Economic modelling gives voice to their eagerness. What this report tells us is that the NDIS can't come soon enough. Soon enough for people to find work and soon enough for huge economic benefit to be seen in NSW."</p><p>Mr Pooley continued: "The NSW Government has been a leader in regard to the NDIS and in investing in a strong disability service sector. Their investment in the NDIS will be rewarded through these terrific gains".</p>