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Editorial: Zero tolerance must be our response to abuse and unsafe practices

Recent high-profile cases show that processes for quality and safety need constant vigilance.

Queensland in Focus by Jason McKey, April 2024

Hosting the Regional and Remote Conference in Cairns recently reminded us how important disability services are to their communities.

Victorian State Budget submission 2021-2022

Pile of Australian fifty dollar notes


NDS's State Budget submission highlights the Victorian Government's continuing responsibility to support all Victorians with disability. In the 2021-2022 submission NDS calls on the Government to invest in areas ranging from workforce, housing, employment, inclusion and quality and safeguarding.

Victorian State Budget submission 2021-22 [PDF]
Victorian State Budget submission 2021-22 [Word accessible]

The submission is also informed by the knowledge that Victorian providers continue to work through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and operate in a new, COVID-normal context.

NDS provides eight recommendations, which fall into two broad priority areas:

Priority 1: Support a resilient and skilled disability sector delivering high-quality services

  1. Invest in a major three-year Strategy addressing disability workforce supply, skills and support
  2. Invest in Zero Tolerance initiatives to prevent violence, abuse and neglect for people with disability including support for the sector to implement the Disability Royal Commission recommendations
  3. Support for high-quality services with streamlined compliance requirements
  4. Appropriate tenancy protection for people with disability
  5. Stepped up funding for NDS

Priority 2: Continue to build an inclusive Victorian community

  1. A new Disability Act and State Disability Plan to drive greater inclusion in Victoria for people with disability
  2. Increase the supply of social housing and accessible housing
  3. Employment for people with disability
Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Sarah Fordyce, State Manager Victoria, 0447 441 505, submit enquiry/feedback