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CEO update: Greater certainty needed for sector in financial crisis

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VIC COVID-19 Update: Increased Pfizer access

Reads: COVID-19 News Update


What you need to know

  • Priority access has been increased for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
  • A provider meeting regarding maximizing vaccination options, barriers and hesitancy is scheduled for Friday, 23 July 
  • AstraZeneca recommendations have been updated
  • Additional vaccine support and resources

Priority Pfizer access for disability workers, individuals and carers.

The Victorian Government has prioritised [PDF] disability workers, people with disability and their carers (paid or unpaid) to access the Pfizer vaccine, regardless of age. Access will be for everyone eligible under phase 1a and 1b and is available through Victorian vaccination clinics, Commonwealth contracted providers Aspen and Health Care Australia, and listed General Practitioners.

This means all residential disability care workers and residents in Victoria aged 16yrs or older, including those who are 60yrs or older, can access the Pfizer vaccine through any provider that has the authority to do so.


ATAGI’s advice on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in an outbreak setting, such as an outbreak of the Delta variant, is that anyone who has received an AstraZeneca vaccine more than four weeks ago and is in an active outbreak area should contact their vaccine provider to arrange their second dose as soon as possible. The 12 week waiting time between doses is still the recommended timeframe for anyone not in an outbreak area.

The advice also notes the existing option for adults under 60yrs, in an active outbreak area and without immediate access to Pfizer, to consider the benefits and risks of earlier protection by choosing the AstraZeneca vaccine instead of waiting for access to Pfizer.

Vaccination Bookings

Eligible people can make a booking for a Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine by:

  1. Calling the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 or using the COVID-19 Vaccine online booking portal.
  2. Completing the Vaccines Eligibility Checker - vaccination provider options will be identified; or
  3. Calling the National COVID-19 Vaccination Helpline on 1800 020 080.

Anyone who has received their first dose of AstraZeneca should ensure they receive their second dose unless significant side effects were experienced. In that instance, speak to a GP or call the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline (1800 675 398) to discuss.

Proof of eligibility for priority access is required and may be one of the following:

Additional Disability Liaison Officers sector support

Disability Liasion Officer support can be accessed for vaccination needs in disability-specific settings for a person with a disability, their carer (paid or unpaid). This includes support to request State or Commonwealth in-reach vaccination, or host a vaccine mobile clinic at a disability service setting.

VIC COVID-19 Vaccination update

Providers are invited to join NDS on Friday, 23 July for a meeting to discuss the urgency of vaccination uptake in the sector as the outbreaks continue to disrupt and risk the health and well-being of workers, people with disability and families.

Register now!

Useful resources

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Heather McMinn, Disability Sector Consultant, submit enquiry/feedback, 0448 395 495