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Editorial: Zero tolerance must be our response to abuse and unsafe practices

Recent high-profile cases show that processes for quality and safety need constant vigilance.

Queensland in Focus by Jason McKey, April 2024

Hosting the Regional and Remote Conference in Cairns recently reminded us how important disability services are to their communities.

RC releases issues paper on safeguards and quality

Reads: Royal Commission Update


The Disability Royal Commission has released an issues paper on Safeguards and quality, noting the Commission's interest in how safeguards and high-quality services prevent abuse, and how they can be improved.

The paper notes the importance of both formal and informal safeguards. Questions are raised in the paper about the features of high-quality services which prevent abuse, how laws and policies could be improved, the role of the NDIS Commission, and complaints processes. The paper considers 'quality services' to be those that 'involve individuals and staff in service design, encourage continuous improvement, and use available data to monitor performance and improve the service'.

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