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Editorial: Zero tolerance must be our response to abuse and unsafe practices

Recent high-profile cases show that processes for quality and safety need constant vigilance.

Queensland in Focus by Jason McKey, April 2024

Hosting the Regional and Remote Conference in Cairns recently reminded us how important disability services are to their communities.

RC hears proposed findings regarding NSW provider hearing

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At a one-day hearing, Counsel Assisting gave oral submissions relating to public hearing 13, which focused on a group home run by NSW provider Sunnyfield. Counsel presented a number of proposed findings to the Commissioners, for them to accept or reject as they see fit. No witnesses were present, but legal representation for Sunnyfield, Eliza and the NSW Ombudsman all made oral submissions.

Counsel Assisting’s written submissions suggest to the Commission that it make 23 adverse findings against Sunnyfield and one against the NSW Ombudsman. Sunnyfield’s legal representation argued against the need for the Commission to make any adverse findings, but did accept the recommendations, which included withdrawing an eviction notice and meeting with the residents’ families to apologise, and discuss redress and additional supports.

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