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CEO update
CEO update

CEO update: Greater certainty needed for sector in financial crisis

Ahead of the federal budget, providers seek financial security for the disability sector.
News update
News update

PACE refinements on the way to reduce issues for providers

As the NDIA bring in system improvements and sector consultations, NDS publishes a deep dive into PACE and its issues, with troubleshooting advice.

NDS analyses Disability Royal Commission recommendations on Quality and Safeguarding

Royal Commission Update


As part of our ongoing analysis of the Disability Royal Commission final report, this update will cover key recommendations for quality and safeguarding, including the NDIS Commission and possible implications for service delivery.

Given the number of recommendations on this topic, our analysis will be delivered in two parts. This part covers supported decision making, advocacy funding, restrictive practices, support coordination, improved health care and funding for a provider-of-last-resort scheme.

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