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CEO update

CEO update: Greater certainty needed for sector in financial crisis

Ahead of the federal budget, providers seek financial security for the disability sector.
News update
News update

PACE refinements on the way to reduce issues for providers

As the NDIA bring in system improvements and sector consultations, NDS publishes a deep dive into PACE and its issues, with troubleshooting advice.

CEO Update: Workforce and employment lead the agenda for a big 2023

A message from NDS CEO, Laurie Leigh


I hope you have all had the chance to have a good rest and recharge over the summer holiday period. We might need it as what looks like being an action packed 2023 has already started out on a busy note with the federal government getting to work on the shape of changes to workforce and employment policy.

To start things off, I recently met with Treasury as they work on an employment white paper to follow up on the Federal Jobs and Skills Summit. The paper due to be published in September is expected to include major recommendations for employers. NDS has provided Treasury with details on five priority areas to address as part of workforce challenges: worker attraction and supply, allied health, retention, capability and training concerns, and rural and remote areas. 

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