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Developing a Risk Management Approach

Event start date: 17/04/2024
This workshop is a part of the NDS Risk, Incidents and Complaints Management (RICM) Skilling the Sector project supporting individual, small and medium disability service providers.

Victorian Health and Safety Representatives Network

Event start date: 17/04/2024
In partnership with WorkSafe Victoria, NDS is running a series of network meetings for Health and Safety Representatives at disability service organisations.

Optimising student placements in disability services

Event start date: 18/04/2024
Join us for Optimising student placements in disability services.

Related events

NDS OHS Advisory Group

Event start date: 24/04/2024
NDS OHS Advisory Group meetings are open to NDS members and associates interested in occupational health and safety issues and solutions in the disability sector.

Overview of legislative changes: Information session one

Event start date: 1/05/2024
Learn about important new legislative changes that impact Victorian disability service providers.

Disability and Palliative Care - Strengthening our work together

Event start date: 16/05/2024
The forum is being held in response to ongoing disability and palliative care sector desire to collaborate to support improved choices for people with disability

The Disability Royal Commission reports on Disability Employment Services case

Royal Commission Update


The Disability Royal Commission has published the Commissioner’s Report on Public Hearing 21, which examined the experiences of people with disability in the Disability Employment Services (DES) program.  

In particular, it deals with the case of Mzia (not her real name), who has ADHD and worked for DES provider AimBig, which runs a coffee shop that employs and trains people with disability. Mzia worked for the company from June 2019 until April 2020. She had problems in the job and feels she was not supported properly, which contributed to a decline in her mental health and financial situation.    

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