"33333333333 ,my ,hospital ,pack - ,r1dy = ,hospital ,electronic ,brl ,file "33333333333 ,a3essible1 easy r1d1 easy pr9t templates & res\rces >e available at3 https3_/_/bit4ly_/r1dytogo" homeres\rces @.<,? is provid$ z a ,,qr code 9 pr9t4@.> ,pl1se note3 ,assi/.e may 2 requir$ to collate mat]ials & 9=ma;n to /ore 9 ! ,my ,hospital ,pack4 @.<,? 9/ruc;n is n 9 ! pr9t v].n z x 0 provid$ sep>ately4@.> ,transcrib$1 emboss$ & 3v]t$ to ;e-brl by ,vis,abil;y #bjbc braille@avisabil;y4com4au "9 "9 "9 ,3t5ts pr9t page ,my ,hospital ,pack - ,r1dy = ,hospital ,electronic ,brl ,file @.<,9/ruc;ns@.> """"""""""" #a ,h[ to use ,my ,hospital ,pack """"""""""""""""""" #a ,:at to 9clude 9 ,my ,hospital ,pack """"""""" #b ,ab me """""""""""""""""" #b ,my h1l? pr(ile """"""""" #b ,my support plans """"""" #b ,my deci.n mak+ """"""""" #b ,my 3ces.ns & fund+ supports """""""""""""" #b ,3nect$ to a case "w] """ #b ,p]sonal items """""""""" #b ,next ( k9 """""""""""""" #b ,my ,hospital ,pack - ,r1dy = ,hospital """"""" #c ,p]sonal ,guide """"""""""" #c ,tips to help support me dur+ my hospital /ay """"""""""""""""""" #c "9 "9 "9 ----------------------------#a @.<,9/ruc;ns@.> "33333333333333333333333333334 _4 ,use ,my ,hospital ,pack to organise & /ore p]sonal docu;ts & h1l? 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